Friday, July 10, 2009

How Small Steps Can Make A BIG Difference In Your Health

Every day you hear warnings about lifestyle choices affecting your health. We Americans eat poorly, get little exercise, and frequently contribute to our own untimely demise.

But what’s the point in living a long time if you don’t enjoy yourself while you’re around? How can you balance the advice you hear and still have a normal life? It turns out that just by making small changes to your lifestyle you gain significant benefits and this may encourage you to make even bigger changes.

Exercise, the Greatest Benefit! Sure, we all know we need to exercise more. But if you just cant seem to drag yourself to the gym three or four times a week (or even once, to just sign up) there are small, everyday things you can do to get significant exercise.

Little things mean a lot. Instead of driving around the parking lot in circles for 15 minutes in search of that perfect parking spot, the one right near the mall entrance, park further down the row. Walking just four minutes burns 19 calories. Not only will you benefit from the additional walking distance, you’ll probably find yourself inside before you would have found a space.
Seize the moment! How often have you been alone or with your family, watching television or a movie starring Julia Roberts or Brad Pitt, and gotten a pang of “abdominal envy”? Instead of feeling guilt for sitting around, or making a mental note to exercise later, plop yourself down and do some quick crunches while you’re thinking about it. At the end of the evening, you’ll have done 20 crunches instead of none
A Live- Longer, Live Better diet. You know what you should and shouldn’t be eating; eat vegetables and don’t eat too much fat. But making a commitment to a lifetime of healthy eating may be biting off more than you can chew. Here are some tips on how to change your diet habits a little at a time.

Try eating what you’re “supposed to eat.” The FDA recommends eating five servings of whole grains and five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. But who has room for all those plus the super-sized fast food value meal?

Just for one day, fit in all the foods you’re supposed to eat. Whole grain cereal for breakfast. Spinach salad with egg and rye crackers for lunch. A handful of raisins and some cashews for a snack. Salmon steak, brown rice with thyme and asparagus for dinner. And guess what? That’s still not enough to meet the recommended FDA standards. That’s why you should be taking F.T.H. Nutraceuticals’ Multi Vita Plus, B Complex Plus and Amino Health.

Plan a day’s worth of meals for yourself. And at the end of the day, see if you could find room to fit any junk food. This way, you’ll not only fulfill your hunger, but you’ll be eating healthier. Now you can go to bed feeling good about yourself and not guilty about a thing.

Take it one day at a time. Changing your entire life is daunting, but you van eat well for a day. Tell yourself that you don’t have to eat well everyday, just today, to see what its like. Who knows, one day might turn into a week. Or three servings of veggies a day become five. Habits have to start somewhere.

It’s the small steps that really count the most. Recommendations and “official” guidelines about your health can sometimes seems overwhelming. But start by taking small steps to improve your health. You’ll feel healthier and more in control of your life. Nutritional Supplements that are featured on are all Pharmaceutical Grade, which means there is no purer quality available anywhere. We drink coffee at $4 per cup, eat fast food at $5-10 per meal, parking at the beach costs $10-$20 during the summer months, don’t you deserve nutritional supplements and skincare that are the best quality?

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